I organized this online store in response to all my friends who have been asking me for a long time where they can see the products I make. And for those who still have the desire to become my friends, I will briefly tell about myself.
My name is Diana Radanova. I was born on 10.7.1966 in Varna. Most of my active work experience was spent at Relaxa OOD - a company for the production and distribution of language tutorials. Extremely diverse and intensive work, a creative and very close-knit team - this is how 15 years passed imperceptibly.
A very smooth redirection in the field of public relations (event and art management) followed under the protection of the experienced PR specialist Nina Lokmadzhieva. During these years, I accumulated many contacts in the field of culture - artists, gallerists, designers, art critics, architects, artists, musicians, journalists... - the color of Varna. I am very grateful to Nina for introducing me to the artistic community of my hometown and for helping me grow as an artist.
In parallel with all my work commitments, in fact since I can remember, I have always been fascinated by making handmade jewelry and souvenirs. Each new technique captivated me in its own way. Over the years, I accumulated all kinds of materials, which gradually occupied every free corner at home. My husband and son were horrified by the amount of cluttered drawers and set out on a mission to create a studio for me, sacrificing the spaces intended for their male "toys".
One fine day, I moved all my "valuables" from the apartment to the studio, and it was as if at that very moment I had the clear thought that I wanted to work with glass. I knew that this would no longer be a game, not even a hobby, but a serious job that required a lot of time, investment, literacy and discipline. The German, English and Russian languages were very useful for my preliminary entry into the new material, rummaging through the Internet. My next step was to attend a course with Danail Nikolov - a specialist in the field of silicate design and decorative-monumental arts. The process of education in a new craft is continuous, and the more I learn, the more I fear that I don't know anything. And without pretending to be very wise, I reach Socrates' catchphrase - "I know that I know nothing!" But that doesn't give me a reason to stop my pursuit of improvement.
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